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Content creation for website made easy Instructions – Tips & Tricks

12. February 2020

Creating content is very easy

Creating the content is the ranking boost for your website. Do you need more customers or visitors? Then you will find exactly the right topic to get to the top of the search engines.


Of course, there are many other factors that have a strong impact on the behaviour of search providers, but for some time now, high-quality content has become increasingly important.


In order to create valuable content for the website visitor, there are several factors that are important. In the following we will go through step by step how to deliver content for your website on your own and what you need to pay special attention to.



Why content is so important?

search engine optimization through content is becoming increasingly important. In the past, you could reach undreamt-of positions in the search results simply by entering them in countless link lists and depositing meta-keywords. Those days are long gone.


Nowadays it is true that, in addition to a technically cleanly programmed Internet presence and an appealing design, excellent content is the most important method for inspiring the visitor and thus the search engines. Content means only content, that can be a product description, a blog article, a photo, a web graphic or a funny YouTube video.


Here you should first of all concentrate on the deposit of texts. A website without content such as text or product images inspires little trust and has no information value.


Content creation by yourself or assign it?

The question of whether to create content or outsource the creation is quite tricky. You should ask yourself the following questions:


  • How much time do you have available for writing texts besides your daily business?
  • How good is your writing talent? Do you remember your German lessons and ask yourself how much fun you had writing essays? How good were your grades in this subject?
  • How big is your budget to have content created?



  • good insight into the topic
  • cost effective


  • good insight into the subject
  • inexpensive
  • Fun


Besides the possibility to hire us to create your content (we love content creation :)), there are also other possibilities.


For example, several portals have emerged in recent years as a market platform for authors and content customers. In addition, there are also forums where many eager copywriters hang out (including us). – Marketplace for the award of content contracts – mediation platform for content marketing – Content portal for the purchase and sale of content – Job exchange for copywriters – Forum for copywriters


If you have employees, a good way to train them is to have them trained. This way you combine the best of their expertise. Your employees know your products and the SEO agency (we are here for you) provides their ultimate expertise in content creation and search engine optimization. This usually delivers the best results.



Determine the right keywords

Here are some approaches that come into question.


As you can see below, you can use Google’s keyword planner to find out the frequency of search queries – i.e. the search volume – and to generate new keyword suggestions.


We as an SEO agency have paid tools with which we can read your competitor sites and find out under which search terms they can be found and which keywords are used.


The choice of the appropriate keywords is elementary in the optimization of your website for the search provider. This is where it is decided how much traffic, i.e. visitors, you will receive if you reach the top results under the selected term.


Here it is also important to consider how competitive certain terms are. It is of no use to you, one of all competitors contested term

Here, it is also important to note how contested certain terms are. There is no point in choosing a term that is contested by all the competitors, where it is incredibly difficult to get to the top, even if it generates a lot of traffic.


Here you should consider whether it might not be wiser in individual cases to choose a term with less search volume, but with weak competition instead. With such a term you will of course reach a top position in the search results much faster.



Unique content

What is unique content? It means that the content you present on your website is unique. For example, for a text to have a positive effect on your placement in the search engine results, it is extremely important that it is not plagiarism.


Otherwise the text will be devaluated, or in the worst case your whole page. The leading search service providers want to achieve in this way that every website – whether Onlineshop or corporate presence, offers the user unique experiences that cannot be found elsewhere. What is a horror for some people, you should see as your chance to stand out from your competitors and rise.



Rules for creating content

Synonyms – work with enough synonyms. There are several reasons for this, firstly you don’t bore your reader as quickly and the text reads more fluently, and secondly the search engine doesn’t get the feeling that you have always stuffed your text with the same keyword. Moreover, you also get the chance to get search queries for the synonym.


uniqueity – as already described in the section “unique content”, it is essential to create unique content.


added value – inspire your reader and the search engine with informative and refreshingly written texts. The reader should not ask himself afterwards why he took the time to read your text.


reading flow – pay attention to good readability. The reader should fly or swim through your text and not dash across a stone runway with a carriage.


Technical competence – if you create technical texts and the contents are poorly researched or even incorrect, not only the visitor but also the search engine will immediately penalize this fact.


internal linking – create a meaningful link profile on your site. Contributions that match each other,. should also be linked with each other, so the visitor can surf through your site pleasantly.


keyword density – make sure that the keyword you have chosen does not occur too often. We recommend a value between 0.5-1%. The keywords should occur particularly frequently in the first third of your text and then sporadically at the end.


headlines – You have the possibility to structure your text sensibly by using headlines. Use the H-headings for this purpose. <h1></h1> represents the main heading – the most important one. You can select the headings in importance down to <h6>. Pay attention to the keyword and synonyms, as well as to include relevant statements, because a headline counts more than a normal sentence.



Aid for ideas

To help you learn how to create content and thus create unique content, you can take advantage of some tips and tools.



Count keywords

A tool that counts the words and shows you how the keyword density is. Such a tool is the basic requirement for writing editorial content. There are many providers, just google keywordcounter. An old proven tool for reading texts is wordcounter.



Spell check and grammar

There are also many aids of varying quality for this purpose. If you want to combine spell checking with grammar lookup, you can attach the Duden as a tab.



Find synonyms

We have already described above how important it is to find the right synonyms for your keywords. A pleasant tool with a large database is woxikon.



Find out search volume

Here one asks probably best the search service provider with most search inquiries in Germany – that is Google. If you create an account for Google AdWords, you can not only use different forms of advertising in the Google search for a fee, but also make use of the free but powerful tools of AdWords.
Among other things, you can use the keyword planner. By using it you can generate new keywords via suggestions or retrieve and compare the Google known search volume for certain keywords.




Content shortage

If, for example, you come across a product that you not only have no idea about, but for which your competitors also do not offer a sparking starting aid in text form, then you need not despair. Go to a large Internet department store, which works with reviews of articles and offers plenty of them.


Here you enter the product you are looking for (without manufacturer’s name) – of course the product description leaves a lot to be desired but (caution, here comes the tip) in the reviews you see what the customers did with it, what was important to them and what they found good or negative. This is all worth its weight in gold and can be included in your unique product description.


Another nice example, that there is always something to describe or you should definitely leave photos for products, is the page of the death magnet. Again, the retailer does not know exactly what to do with the product, but in a clever and funny way he creates an advantage for himself.


We will be happy to help you if you have any questions about the content.


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