Seo News und Neuigkeiten

SEO news from the world of search engines

6. February 2020

Not only for nerds


SEO News influence sales

What’s SEO news?
SEO News are news in the search engine optimization. They come mainly from North America. Therefore they are mostly available in English only for the time being. Not least for this reason, language skills are an advantage. This is already shown by the abbreviation SEO, which is also commonly used in Germany. It stands for “Search Engine Optimization”. It is about the most favorable placement of Internet pages at Google & Co.



The benefits of SEO News

Search results listed above will be perceived more strongly than pages displayed further down. Which page reaches how high up depends on very specific factors. Google, Bing or Yahoo quickly recognise which internet presence provides good content or merely advertises. If the latter is the case, the page is displayed relatively far down or not at all. This is only a small example from the world of SEO news.



SEO News and its applications


Uninterrupted dominance of the leading search engine

The search factors of the market leader Google are of course the most important. In order to place an internet presence prominently, you have to be familiar with the subject matter. Quite a few operators of online shops are not. But they have other things to do. Complaints about bad placements are correspondingly frequent.


So laypeople are dependent on experts here. Because they know how to bring a website to the top. But in today’s fast-moving world there is always news for search engines. Not least because of the commercial relevance of search rankings, SEO news is not just for nerds. They influence the profit of many companies.



Constantly new trends

In general, Google rewards exciting, topic-related and unique websites. A mere reformulation of previous information, for example, ends up far below. The same applies to pages with nicely formulated but hollow phrases. SEO News offer up-to-date details that go beyond such basic principles.


Because just as in fashion, there are always new trends in the SEO world. Some trends are more ‘technical’ in nature. As a layman you would not even think that they have anything to do with search engine optimization. An example: At the end of 2016, Google informed its users about the loading time of websites. According to this, it must not take longer than 3 seconds. Otherwise the page will be ranked worse. Of course every website operator who wants to earn money with his internet presence should know this.



The importance of blogs

A good SEO Agency will continuously inform you about such information. Or, alternatively, it revises your site accordingly, so that you are spared from it. Some information can also be found in specialist blogs. Of course, no layman has the time to follow them constantly. As with operating systems, there are always new updates in Google’s search mechanism.


In order to make the relevance of this even more clear to you, we would like to mention a trend that is no longer entirely new, but all the more elementary: Blogs are not only something for SEO experts. Such internet forums also influence page rankings. Because blogs often generate the mentioned topic-relevant news that Google appreciates so much.


For a good as well as highly regarded blog, it naturally needs many readers. And here lies a problem. Some blog posts are highly interesting, new and extremely useful. But hardly anyone knows them. Those who are not noticed on Facebook, YouTube or other social media channels have a hard time. Because readers can often rate blog articles. And few good reviews are often hardly better than bad reviews.



Influencer and links

One solution is “influencers”. These are people or even corporations with a high reputation on the net. Your comments will therefore be read carefully. If an influencer comments on a question, the blog gets more attention than if Hinz and Kunz write something. But beware! Just as an influencer can benefit you, he can also harm you if he comments negatively on your company. But let’s assume that he doesn’t do so because you have good content.


SEO agencies know how to get help from influencers – or how to replace their help with other tricks. Because even influencers usually do nothing without personal gain. For example, you reward your company with a link to your site. This in turn pleases Google.


Also in principle, certain (not all!) links are central for good search rankings. Correspondingly complicated is the skillful linking as well as the creation of an optimal link itself. And some SEO agencies have not quite followed this trend, which is no longer quite fresh.



These are just a few examples of areas for which there is always SEO news. This makes it clear: The visibility of a website at Google & Co. is subject to factors that cannot be overlooked by the layman. But even experts are no magicians. For measuring the search success prospects of a site there is therefore the Sistrix Toolbox.


With this provider of SEO tools your site can be checked for links, keywords or attention in social networks. One category is for example the Optimizer. It scans your site for possibly missing subtitles or overlapping content with other sites. Google does not like either of these. And of course there are also regular Sistrix News. The news are also discussed in blogs. The constant observation of Sistrix blogs is also one of the competences of a good SEO agency.



Google Hangouts with Google

Search engine optimization is a broad field. It’s all about visibility on the web. The Internet always has something to do with communication. This is where Google Hangouts comes into play. This is a program for instant messages and for phone and video calls via Google.


With instant messages, the “instant messaging system”, the sender usually sends a message when writing it. Such communication channels have multiple effects on your Internet presence.


Because Google Hangouts can be integrated into your own website. This increases the interest in the web presence in question: You thus provide the reader with multi-faceted communication possibilities with you. Regardless of this, the rapid flow of information increases the interest in your site. At least when it is a topic.


From time to time, Google SEO agencies will answer questions about Google Hangouts. Topics are latest trends or criteria in search engine optimization and the like. So questions can be clarified, contacts can be maintained and new SEO guidelines can be influenced.



Mobile Internet is becoming more and more important

The suitability of your site for smartphones is of particular relevance. Because many people use their Internet mobile. An operating system for smartphone compliant web presences is Android.


This brings us to the topic of mobile apps. These are very different programs for mobile phones, tablet computers or similar. They can be games, but also very practical little helpers such as for measuring blood sugar. Apps and Android form a symbiosis here. Because both together enable a variety of mobile applications.


So it is not surprising that there are also apps for Google Hangouts. In other words, the advantages of this means of communication described above can also be used on the move.


As diverse as the apps are, so are the SEO news about them. Google is increasingly focusing on mobile web presences. Up to now, the search is directed towards pages for the home PC. This is to change now. In the future, Google will mainly focus on pages suitable for smartphones. The Americans are still working on the concrete search criteria. For example, the exact weighting of download tools for apps needs to be clarified.




One thing is certain in any case: Smartphone friendliness is becoming increasingly important for search engine optimization. Therefore, it is particularly important to take into account related news. This applies not only in transitional phases. In general, SEO news are also something like the lifeline of a successful website.


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